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Our Community

The early ministry of Mt. Hebron Presbyterian Church focused on providing for the needs of youth, and on creating a caring community dedicated to serving God. Today, we have multiple programs devoted to caring for the children and youth in our community. In addition, for over 20 years, our Women's Book Club has been meeting to discuss diverse literature, while deepening friendships and supporting each other.

Join us for VBS 2025 at MHPC!

"The LORD your God is with you wherever you go."

Joshua 1:9

Join us July 14-18 as we embark on an exciting Road Trip journey!

Discover God's presence everywhere as we explore new places, make new friends, and experience God's goodness together.


Stay tuned for additional information, coming soon!


Thank you for your interest in VBS at MHPC!

Stay tuned for details about registering for VBS 2025.

Youth Group

About once a month, our middle and high school youth gather for food, fellowship, and fun. Past activities have included escape rooms, laser tag, whitewater rafting, corn mazes, game nights, and more!


At least once a year, our youth are also invited to attend a fellowship retreat, typically over a long weekend. These activity-packed trips give our youth opportunities to explore nature, deepen friendships, and connect with God.

Contact Pastor Amy ( for additional information!

youth rafting 2023

Presbyterian Youth Triennium 2025

High school youth from all churches have the opportunity to come together for this life-changing, life-giving, faith-growing event!


It will take place July 28th-31st in Louisville, Kentucky. The estimated cost is $1,000, which includes $199 participant fee plus travel/lodging. Additional information about the event can be found on the Triennium website.


The Baltimore Presbytery wants to ensure that any students who would like to attend have that opportunity. If youth are interested in attending, please contact Pastor Amy.


Women's Book Club

Join us for Women's Book Club! We meet monthly for light refreshments, fellowship, and lively discussion. Once a year, men are invited to attend, too, and share in a potluck dinner. Occasionally, we host a movie night as well, to compare and contrast the reading and viewing experience of a popular story. All are welcome, even if you haven't finished reading the book!

Check out what we're reading now:

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