Growing in Faith through Giving
We express our gratitude for God's abundant grace by cultivating a generous life. Our gifts support the ministry of the church in the community, nation, and around the world, caring for survivors of violence and natural disaster, assisting vulnerable communities, and equipping the next generation to lead the church and society. By our gifts we share the good news of Jesus Christ.
To have your gift automatically withdrawn from your bank account or charged to your credit/debit card, click on the "Donate Now" button. You can make a one-time donation or a recurring gift. Choosing the recurring gift option allows you to ensure that your gifts are received by the church regularly, even when you are out of town or otherwise not able to attend Sunday service.
If you choose to donate online, you will receive a confirmation of your gift by e-mail.
Make your check payable to "Mount Hebron Presbyterian Church" and write the purpose of the gift (e.g., Weekly Offering, One Great Hour of Sharing, etc.) in the note field.
Drop it in the offering plate on Sunday or mail to:
Mount Hebron Presbyterian Church
2330 Mt. Hebron Drive
Ellicott City, MD 21042
Use Zelle to send money to
(note we are enrolled with Zelle as
"Mt Hebron Presby Church").
Please write the purpose of the gift (e.g., Weekly Offering, One Great Hour of Sharing, etc.) in the Memo section.

We have diverse gifts according to the grace that is given to us.